Important Ways That A Service Animal Can Benefit Your Autistic Child

If your child has recently been diagnosed with autism, it is important to be aware of the different modifications that he or she will be able to benefit from in the future. Given that current statistics are that one out of sixty-eight children in the United States is living with autism, it only makes sense that there are a wide variety of treatment options that could benefit your little one. One helpful treatment option that has become increasingly popular in recent years is the use of service dogs for autistic children. If you are interested in improving the quality of life for your autistic son or daughter, it is a good idea to learn the following information.

Service Animals Can Be Trained To Help Your Child Stay Calm

While many people are familiar with the seeing eye dogs that assist blind individuals, service animals for autistic children are not quite as well-known. However, they are equally important, and one of the more obvious benefits they can provide is seen when they help the child they are assisting to remain calm in stressful situations.

For example, one unfortunate and common symptom of autism is the tendency of autistic kids to repeatedly hit their heads upon doors, walls, or other sturdy items. Another sign that is hard to miss is the flailing of arms by afflicted children. Fortunately, the presence of the service animal can offset those tendencies and serve as the invaluable emotional support that autistic children need so badly. That support can provide your child with the ability to focus on the dog, rather than the circumstances they are in, and therefore the physical reactions to the situation are unlikely to be as severe.

A Service Dog Can Use Touch Intervention

If your son or daughter currently has or in the future develops the unfortunate symptoms of self-injuring behavior, the service dog can be trained to distract their behavior. In addition, if your child is prone to the repetitive behaviors associated with being on the autism spectrum, the canine may also be able to intervene by using their body or head to stop or slow inappropriate movements. The animal can also be trained to provide mobility assistance if necessary.

Since the autism spectrum includes so many different behaviors and symptoms, your child's service animal will spend many hours training to the specific function and needs of your son or daughter.

In conclusion, service animals can help autistic children to maintain a better quality of life. Therefore, it is a good idea to consider the facts provided above when you are planning for your child's future. For additional information on the available types of autism therapy, contact an organization like White Bridle Learning & Therapy.

About Me

Understanding Your Child's Educational Needs

After one of my teenager's teachers called me with some comments about his behavior in class, I knew that I needed to work a little harder to understand my son's educational needs and shortcomings. I focused carefully on making sure that my son understood what was expected of him in the classroom, and then I tried to address his concerns. I talked with his teachers about what he needed to change, and it didn't take long before I saw some of the behavior they were talking about. After working with him and talking with a few of his counselors, we were able to find a few things that he could work on at home. This blog is all about understanding and addressing your child's needs.